Covestro declares force majeure on US MDI

Author: Zachary Moore


HOUSTON (ICIS)–Covestro has declared a force majeure on methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) and MDI-related products in the US effective as of 13 October, according to a company spokesperson.

The spokesperson attributed the force majeure declaration to an unforeseen shortage of raw materials used in the production of MDI.

According to the ICIS Supply and Demand Database, Covestro can produce 320,000 tonnes/year of MDI from its site in Baytown, Texas.

MDI is consumed mainly in polyurethane foams, which account for about 80% of global consumption. Rigid foams, the largest outlet for MDI, are used mostly in construction, refrigeration, packaging and insulation. MDI is also used to make binders, elastomers, adhesives, sealants, coatings and fibres.

Major US MDI producers include BASF, Covestro, Dow and Huntsman.

Thumbnail image shows polyurethane foam, which is made with MDI. Source: Al Greenwood


Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 揮發性有機化合物,是指多種亦揮發性有機化合物的總稱。在製造產品過程中常使用的溶劑,如:甲醛、甲苯、二甲苯、正丁醇、乙酸乙酯…等,都包含在VOCs裏頭,長期處於高密度VOCs環境之中,除了容易出現身體不適、噁心等症狀,更容易引發癌症等重大疾病。

近年來,環保意識抬頭,許多歐美國家或是跨國企業對於消費性產品的規範越來越嚴格,除了重金屬、鹵素之外,對產品中總揮發性有機化合物(TVOCs)釋放量率的規範也越來越嚴苛,像是三星對於產品的驗收條件就增加了VOCs(TVOC)的測試 閱讀全文 “頂空分析儀器相層析法-揮發性有機化合物VOCs的檢測辦法”

About the key MDI industry of polyurethane

There is a technology, very special – in the field of basic chemicals, if your daily life leaves it, the quality of life will be greatly reduced.

This field, called polyurethane, and this technology, is the phosgene chemical technology for the production of polyurethane key material MDI. Countless downstream consumer industries are inseparable from it. For example: your home’s ceilings, walls, refrigerators, sofas, mattresses, as well as the sneakers, shoes we wear, the cotton pads for girls, bags, and even Bra… The main product is MDI, the chemical name is ” Diphenylmethane diisocyanate”.

閱讀全文 “About the key MDI industry of polyurethane”

科思創斥資15億歐元 在美興建世界級MDI工廠



「在可預見的未來,市場對創新型MDI材料的需求將繼續增長,產能利用率也因此有望保持在具有吸引力的水準。我們之前已宣佈將大幅增加資本支出,現在正是時候將其付諸行動。」執行長施樂文博士(Dr. Markus Steilemann)表示,「憑藉新的貝敦MDI生產線,我們將進一步鞏固在聚氨酯領域的全球領導地位,為客戶提供更好地服務並創造長期股東價值。」

閱讀全文 “科思創斥資15億歐元 在美興建世界級MDI工廠”






“2013年的時候,我們做了一個很重大的決定——把所有在亞太區的研發活動全部集中到閔行開發區,就是我們稱為北區的亞太研發中心,目前已有約200多人。 ”盛恩善告訴澎湃新聞記者。


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Air Cloud™

In the foam field, most of them are mainly traditional TDI foam, and the shortcomings of this type of raw material foam are less friendly to the manufacturing environment and people, and are also highly regulated chemical raw materials and manufacturing industries.

European countries have begun to replace the old TDI foam manufacturing process with the MDI process foam. Although the cost is slightly higher, MDI is a better alternative and option for the people and the environment to be extended to the user.

AirCloud™ technology foam combines the characteristics of MDI. In addition to the advantages of traditional TDI in the manufacturing environment and human harm, it also provides support and comfort and durability, and can provide meticulous soft and hard according to demand. And the characteristics of quick rebound, slow rebound, and hydrophilicity are more suitable for Taiwan’s climate and usage habits!